Friday, May 28, 2010

Walking on Broken Glass

The topic picked was symbol for sound. Some ideas I came up with was to some how make an image that would represent a symbol from a song I like from the 90's "Walking on Broken glass" written and performed by singer Annie Lennox that interen would provoke sound. I felt this image would be memorable in the fact the feet actually have blood coming out instead of just feet walking on broken glass. Some limitations in what i am doing is people may not interpret my image as a symbol for sound right off until I explain it. Some compromises I could make is putting music notes on the image,but I prefer people to figure it out. The inspirations that led me to interpreting the topic the way I did is I summed up the only thing that symbol for sound could possibly mean is a symbol that makes sound or a symbol that can cause sound,which is what I did. Along with the fact that I like music it kind of inspired me to find a song I like. So I decided to correlate an image that would cause me to think of the song Walking on Broken glass then from that causing me to sing it out loud creating sound. Therefore the image is a symbol for sound. What interest me about my approach to the exercise was I didn't do something that was obvious that someone could instantly figure out. I feel that my interpretation of symbol for sound may be interesting to others in that it s something they will have to guess at before getting it right kind of like a brain teaser. What I will be presenting to class is the final image I did in photo shop in which I added glass around someone walking in blood. I will then be able to explain my interpretation of symbol for sound with an actual image that will help people understand what I mean.

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